Outpatient Rehabilitation Program (OPR) is an intensive, longer-term level of care in outpatient. This level of care most often for individuals with moderate to severe use disorders and who would benefit from more structure and support. Outpatient rehabilitation gives individuals the resources and tools to develop and utilize a recovery support system. Everyone has a treatment plan that specifies their recovery goals and there are many opportunities to take advantage of effective evidence-based practices.
OPR is provided 3-5 days a week for up to 4 hours. OPR includes breakfast daily for nutrition and socialization. This level of care emphasizes the development of basic skills in prevocational and vocational competencies, personal care, nutrition, and utilizing community resources in additional clinical services.
OPR groups may be gender specific, trauma specific or tailored to individuals with co-occurring disorders who need integrated dual disorder treatment. The integrated dual disorder program provides specialized care for individuals who require treatment for their co-occurring psychiatric illness, such as illness education and symptom management.